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The week of 19th May

A Tribute to Michael & Pat on their 65th Wedding Anniversary “ Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV) and more….
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The week of 12th May

On Saturday 18 May, The Martlets Choir invite all to join in a ‘Big Spring Sing’ at Hove Methodist Church from 2.30-4.30pm. Suggested donations from £5 to help raise funds for the Martlets Hospice and more….
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The week of 5th May

On Saturday 18 May, The Martlets Choir invite all to join in a ‘Big Spring Sing’ at Hove Methodist Church from 2.30-4.30pm. Suggested donations from £5 to help raise funds for the Martlets Hospice and more….
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The week of 28th April

Whilst we’re on the subject of doors..there have been some strange goings on at the front of the church! It would seem that someone has commissioned the creation and installation of a poster for our front entrance. It reads…In Our Church We.. Are Not Perfect/Try To Do Better/Tell The Truth/Give/Listen/Are Grateful/Find Joy/Take Responsibility/Have Faith/Share/Trust/Use Kind Words/Respect Each Other/Laugh Every Day/Celebrate Life.
We are Hove Methodist Church and more….
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The week of 21st April

It’s Chatty Church Sunday at HMC on the 28th of April and we welcome all to this unique worship service filled with love, grace, tea, cake and conversation and more….
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The week of 14th April

Our service this Sunday 14 April, will be led by Rev Sue Jacobs supported by her amazing cast of worship leaders and volunteers. Thinking Aloud this month will be held at 6.30pm in the Sanctuary led by Rev Andy Lowe and more….
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The week of 7th April

Our Easter calendar has come to another conclusion for this year but the message delivered over the Holy Week was as resounding as the question posed by Rev Sue Jacobs on Easter Sunday…Where is Jesus?and more….
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The week of 31st March

We are all ‘revved’ up for Easter Sunday (literally) under the leadership of our principal duo of Rev Andy Lowe and Rev Sue Jacobs.
Remember the clocks go forward by an hour, so please adjust time pieces accordingly to arrive in time for ‘Service on the Beach’ at 6am and more….
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The week of 24th March

We all love a bit of baby news! I guess we are programmed for it from pretty much the start of the year with the greatest baby news on Christmas day. It’s that image of God’s creation all swaddled tightly, or that new baby ‘Johnson’s powder’ (other baby powders available) smell, or the beaming smiles of proud parents. In the case of baby Eve Mary Joy Achiro; we have 3 generations of pride: Efro’s first great grandchild! We send congratulations, love and blessings to proud parents Lucy & Moses and grand parents, Ian & Angie and more….
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The week of 17th March

Chatty cafe is like a market square on a Friday with artists painting, flower arranging, table tennis matches, musical interludes and this week Stella came along with her knitting. Please feel free to come along and share in the joy of chatty cafe, you will be assured of a very warm welcome and of course cake and coffee in abundance. We also had a great session on Friday where lots of our toddlers, with the help of our lovely Josh made special Mother’s Day cards to thank their mummies for being such superheroes!! and more….
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Quote of the Day

This Sunday

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